Now the truck has a new battery, the leaks have been fixed and still won't run. Confirmed good gas is present at the engine, battery is fully charged. It will start, and then die. Like it's getting too much air. I am continually tracking down the remaining leaks, but it hasn't gotten much better. Maybe there is one "big leak" that if I fix it then everything will be hunky-dory. It's possible, but I can't find it.
I took some photos of the current configuration. The Arduino is running the mixer servo manually right now:
The blower gets a switch:
Control wire to the servo goes into the dash:
The final filter has been painted, and turned 90 degrees:
I built a decent check valve, as usual with leftover scrap. Consists of 2 bolts, 2" pipe, cutout from a hole saw, and an old brass bathtub drain. Cost: $0.00. It works great. Air can go in, not out. It's not sealed perfectly, but it's good enough.
Installed. The old port is now just for lighting the gasifier.
Random shot. Can you tell? The lip is full of condensate. The truck is parked the wrong way for it to drain out. At least one of my welds is watertight.
Truck in the daytime. Note the blower pipe is missing. It's removable.
Here's the blower exhaust pipe, with a rain cover made from PVC pipe.
And finally, a video. You can hear the truck run and die. It does this consistently, given good gas. It's gonna be sweet to hear it run right. A lesson in patience.